One Million Worlds Wiki

The wire system is designed to be as compact as possible, as such there are a number of logic blocks:

Block Tool Description
And Block AndTool These blocks will output "true" if all their inputs are "true". Otherwise false.
Or Block OrTool These blocks will output "true" if any of their inputs are "true". Otherwise false
Not block NotTool These blocks will output the reverse of their input. So "true" -> "false", "false" -> "true" and 123 -> -123
Addition/Subtraction AdditionSubtractionTool These blocks will produce the sum of all signals into the (+) ports minus the sum of all signals into the (-) ports
Comparator ComparatorTool This block will return true if all the signals going into the (<▢) ports are less than all the signals into all the (▢<) ports and all the signals going into the

(▢ = ▢) ports are equal. Will return false otherwise.

All these blocks can be interacted with to change which port type each side is.

Blocks show their ports as follows

Port Type Image
Input (most blocks) SignalIn
Output SignalOut or AlternativeOutput
Input for Addition SignalAddition
Input for Subtraction SignalSubtraction
Input's to be tested to be less that ▢< and ▢ = ▢ ports LessThanPort
Input's to be tested to be greater than that <▢ and ▢ = ▢ ports GreaterThanPort
Input's to be tested to be equal to each other and greater than that <▢ and less than ▢< ports TestEqualityPort

Assorted Logic Blocks

If you want more complicated logic try the script block.